I think I finally have found some time to write a post. Generally the end of my work year is kind of slow and most of the engineers are out for the Holidays, but this year, we keep getting hit left and right with work. By the end of the day I am exhausted and the last thing I want to do is go home and get back on the computer.
Last weekend Jeff helped his brother install a laminate floor at his girlfriend's new house while the g-friend and I went shopping. It wasn't supposed to work out that way, but at least my shopping partner was more enthusiastic then Jeff would have been. Sunday Jeff and I went to Melodies of Christmas. If you are local and have never been...GO! It's for a great cause (Albany Medical Center's Pediatric Cancer and Blood Disorder Center) and all the performers are fabulous. We had a great time and it helped put me in a festive Holiday mood...of course that mood was squashed as soon as Monday rolled around :)
Monday I got to go to Connor's
pre-school for a cookie decorating party. I have only been in the classroom one other time and that was his first day of class. It was strange to see him interacting with his peers (and not just his brothers). He is 6-12 months younger than most of the other kids, but he seems to be doing really well. His OT in particular was commenting on how great it was to have him in her group sessions. They wo
rk with a lot of food
activities...making and eating different tastes and textures and she said what a great role model Connor is because he will try just about everything. I truly don't know where that kid puts all his food...he's such a skinny boy....certainly doesn't get that from me :) But the cookie decorating was a really fun, if messy, experience. Poor Connor didn't want me to leave though. He thought that since I was at school then I was taking him home...he keeping saying 'don't like work, Mommy no work'. Poor kid! I also just got his
IEP report in the mail and he's doing great!

Ben also just got a report card. He is also in a class with kids that are 6-12 months older than him. His
Mema had a space in her 3's class and invited him to join in. As you can see below (click on the photo to enlarge) he is doing fabulous! And the areas that he is not doing so well in are really tasks that are beyond him at this point, so we are not in the least worried.

I will have to wait until I get home tonight to see Austin's report card, but I am guessing he is doing well also. AND, he's trying
really hard with the potty lately. The doctor's keep telling me this is
separate from all his other issues, but it is so frustrating. For the longest while he just had no desire, but the past week or two he has really been trying. Of course we keep using the fact that Santa is watching him. I guess we'll have to switch over to the Easter Bunny soon!
We have plans to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra Friday...dinner with my brother in law's girlfriend's family on Saturday and then my dad's family on Sunday and then my in laws and my mom's family on Monday. It's going to be busy.
Well, I guess that's all...in case I don't get back on here...I hope everyone has a great Holiday...be it Hanukkah or Christmas or Kwanzaa. If you are traveling...be safe!
P.S. Great news...Sarah should be headed home today...click on the link to her site at left.