Thursday, June 01, 2006

So, as I said, it's been a busy few weeks. Going back to mid May...Cindy graduated from Delhi (, we went to Niska Day, Connor had his 6 month evaluation for therapy, we helped build a retaining wall, we met Thomas and Sir Topham Hatt and a few other things thrown in.

I'll start with a picture of baby Jessa. She's getting so big. Cindy promises she will come visit in late Summer, early Fall.

Moving along to Niska was cold and rainy, but the boys had fun. Below is a picture of Connor with the free hat they gave him. We are in trouble if he's already wearing his hats like that ;)
We got to see The Burners UK perform and then watch the $10K fireworks display. If anyone wants to check out the Burners schedule, go to, they were great! Huh Mo??

Connor had his 6 month therapy evaluation. It was depressing when I got the eval in the mail, but by the time his meeting rolled around, he had had a learning explosion. He is doing really well right now. He is making a lot more effort to talk to us and request what he wants. Also, he is learning to assert his independence (read- pushing and shoving) from his brothers. He doesn't just let them take his stuff anymore. But, he's really not strong enough to overcome them. He was trying so hard to knock Ben over, but muscle man that Ben is, barely leaned into Connor and over he went. Poor Connor...I think we need to get him started on weight training. The kid eats and eats, but he's just so skinny! So, as I said he is doing great. We have tabled the idea of putting him into a 'special classroom' setting. Instead we are putting him into a structured playgroup. The therapist, county rep and I agreed that he doesn't need the structure of a classroom, but a place of his own, away from his brothers, where hopefully he can shine. We start that next week, and Mommy gets to go!

This past holiday weekend I was fortunate enough to take some time off. I spent Thursday going through hand me downs and taking care of yard work. With all the rain we have been getting, I just can't keep up with it. Then on Friday and Sunday, we helped Jeff's parents with their retaining wall.

Saturday was the big Day Out With Thomas event at the Upper Hudson Railroad. The boys had SO MUCH fun. They got to see Thomas and meet Sir Topham Hatt. They got tattoos and played with trains and they even got to take a train ride. They had this really cool Lego Thomas also. See all our pics below.
mommy & Connor, daddy & Ben (Austin was with Mema & Bepa)

Thomas the Tank Engine

Lego Thomas

So I guess that it's for now...

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