Thursday, February 22, 2007

Mish Mash

My cute Ben...but I think the safety goggles are a little tight.

Happy Birthday Karat
I can't believe he's 8 already. It seems he was just a puppy. A troublesome puppy at that. I vividly recall the day I got home from work and discovered he'd eaten the linoleum kitchen floor. And the morning I awoke to find he decided he wanted to be IN the couch instead of ON the couch and chewed into the interior. And how could I forget the day I found a 2 feet hole in my sheetrock. But for all that, he is the absolute BEST dog. I couldn't ask for a better companion for my kids. Then and now...

Genetics Results
I left a message for the doctor's office this morning. All the tests were negative 'for his age'. Not sure what that last section means but that's what they said. A huge part of me is relieved, but at the same time it's one more dead end. The geneticist WILL NOT test Connor unless Jeff had positive results. I don't want there to be something wrong with Jeff or Austin or even Connor, but I just want to put all the pieces together. I still feel his mutation MUST mean something.

Sick Boys
My twins are sick. Aunt Karen has called me three times at work already and poor Connor was just SCREAMING in the background. His ear hurts. I feel like a bad mommy for being at work. Yet another trip to the ped.

Over the Hill?
A lot of people say that turning 30 is the worst. It's that time when you feel you need to actually be an adult. I felt that way. My entire 20's I tried to pretend I was a kid playing adult. I had a hard time when my 30th rolled around. But, in the year or so since, I realize not much has actually changed. For better or worse I have settled in...that is, until I got my mail yesterday. I opened my mailbox expecting to find the usual assortment of bills, credit card offers and fliers, but this time there was something else. I saw the return address and time stopped. My first thought was the mailman had given me someone else's mail, but no indeed, my name was listed as addressee. I can only hope someone found some way to get me on their mailing list as a joke. Personally I am NOT laughing. I am much to young for this...right? Someone tell me that time hasn't shifted.

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