Monday, February 26, 2007

Neuro Appt

Well, I think Friday's appt was the quickest ever. We were in and out within about 25 mins. She hadn't had a chance to view the EEG yet and she didn't take the time to load the MRI scans. She said she will look at them today and get back to me. She is anxious to see Connor next month and explore the TS issue further. She did decide to up Austin's Vigabatrin also. She feels that based on our experience with him and regardless of the EEG, that we should up the dose. Jeff and I are COMPLETELY FINE with that. Besides, I dreamt last night that he was having an EEG and there was spiking. Seeing as I RARELY remember my dreams, I am trusting this one.

Jeff and I went on a date Friday night and I got to sleep in on Saturday since the kids were having sleepovers. It was a nice start to a quiet weekend!

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